July 8, 2001
I don't know what I am going to do right now... I just got my FTP program running again so I think I shall add a couple more articles or something...
May 21, 2001
I added the movie review for Almost famous... that is all for now... i am tired...
May 20, 2001 (later)
haha, i have the green CD... anywho, I added two char poems and a section of HARDCORE QUOTES!!!!! by jeff elgert... I am thinking about putting pictures of the authors of the things on their main pages... picture party at chars house! I have been concentrating mostly on getting up the authors section, but I have been indexing the articles by naming them by the issue they are in and on what page... so I should be able to organize a thing for the archive section by the end of the month...
May 20, 2001
Just added bridget's article on capitol punishment... Bridget and Char are working on getting some picutres for this page... it is quite plain now...
May 17, 2001 (later)
it is almost may 18 really... i just added a red neck brent story... progress is going slow... school is still going on... maybe this summer i will be able to keep this page constatly updated... is anyone reading this? i wonder...
May 17, 2001
hmmm... i put in the first article! one of matt weiss' crazy grandma stories... i didnt have alot of time to work on the page today... mayber later tonight i will get some more done...
May 16, 2001
mike/bob here, just getting Almost Argyle setup... i didn't know what to put down for more news so i just put in some filler... bridget could only find 2 of her 'zines so that is all i can put in here for a little while... capitals are of the devil...

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