Top ten
creative uses for the everyday baseball bat

brought to you by RED NECK BRENT

#10: eat it (don't cook it, just put a little dap of mustard on the top)

#9: replace a missing leg of a table (as long as it's a wooden table noone will notice!)

#8: use as a meat tenderizer (use only after washing the bat and only use on big meats!)

#7: juggling (this can be dangerous, always have clown supervision and wear a helment)

#6: breaking into places (you can smash glass very easily with a bat)

#5: fighting aliens (most aliens are lead proof, so guns won't work, but a good old beating with a baseball bat will take care of everything)

#4: self defense (whenever you watch tv and there's "a noise downstairs" the husband always grabs a baseball bat to defend his family)

#3: vandalism (#1 choice for busting BMW headlights, and smashing mailboxes in rich neighborhoods!)

#2: beating the crap out of people (it might not be fair, but it'll make you invincible and it's sure as hell funny!)

#1: playing baseball!!!

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