meteor girl

by charlotte the brave
And I don't belong to you or him or them or her. I belong to the stars and my heart endures. "she's a meteor girl and she takes the world." Give up on me I don't need you. I need my self. The sweetest death. I want to fly from your embrace I want my heart to be erased. I hate myself when I'm with you. I scorch away all that we do. "she's a meteor girl and she takes the world" give up on me before it's too late. I swallow your fate. The sweetest death is dying alone. Alone and unscathed. From the harm they commence and alone you've crossed the fence. The insanity begins when I enter the room my mind is deadly and consumed. My heart is alive and full of fear, it says it doesn't want you near. "she's a meteor girl and she takes the world" hate alone, I don't hate you. stronger feelings overdue. Stop the insanity, I want to be insane, I want to be along. I can't concentrate with your ramble. I can't pay you off. I need to brun away, run away to the stars. With all those who've been alone like me. noone understands my thoughts, I won't relieve them to you. the sweetest death is to lie in the stars. "she's a meteor girl and she takes on the world"

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