Hey its that time again to hear about MY CRAZY GRANDMA. Well one day I came home from a hot date, and I saw my mom in the living room crying. So I said "Mom what is wrong?". She said that grandma had called and told mom that she wants to buy us a new car. Mom told granny that we had just gotten a new car and that we didn't need a new one. Grandma went off, asking mom "when did you get so much money that you could just go out and buy a new car?" Well out of the blue, my grandma went crazy and said "you're a whore aren't you? who is your pimp? how can you do this to Matt? you are a tramp!" That's right kids, my granny went crazy and called my mom a tramp! well my mom is NOT a tramp. she is a very nice mom who is not being pimped. well I guess that's what you get when your grandma is nutty.
Later kids,

Love, matt

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