Movie Hoppin'

Almost Famous
Cameron Crowe's first film since his Academy Award-nominated hit JERRY MAGUIRE captures a pivotal time in the history of rock and roll. Set in 1973, ALMOST FAMOUS chronicles the funny and often poignant coming of age of 15-year-old William Miller (newcomer Patrick Fugit), an unabashed music fan that is inspired by the seminal bands of the time. When his love for music lands him an assignmentfrom Rolling Stone magazine to interview the up-and-coming band Still ater fronted by lead guitarist Russell Hammond (Billy Crudup) and lead singer Jeff Bebe (Jason Lee). William embarks on the eye-opening journey with the band, despite the objections of his protective mother (Frances McDormand). With the help of the lovely 'band aid' groupie Penny Lane (Kate Hudson), William finds himself drawn into the band's inner circle. But as he becomes less an observer and more a participant in the band's dynamics, the fledgling reporter loses the objectivity to tell his story honestly, and learns a life changing lesson about the importance of family- the ones we inherit, and the ones we create.

Certainly, such a personal write, Cameron Crowe has created a series of scripts that, while liked by the critics, were considered off-beat and difficult to market. ALMOST FAMOUS is his latest and mostly autobiographical when he began his writing career as a 15-year-old high school student, with articles on music submitted to Rolling Stone magazine.

Only a few years later he had his first scripte, for FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONE HIGH (1982). He next nailed a perfect John Cusack romantic-comedy in SAY ANYTHING (1986). During all this, music remained important to him, with the rock band Peral Jam playing a bit role in SINGLES (1992) before they were 'discovered'. Also, he is married to 'heart's' Nacy Wilson. His next movie, JERRY MAGUIRE (1996), took over five years to develop - a chance photograph of a football player and his agent was the initial inspiration. It took some 20 drafts and near terminal discouragement that he would ever get it right before the film finally made it to the screen.

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